Sunday, October 24, 2021

Are You Living Victoriously - By Phil Bell, retired, pastor



Street & Steeple

Are You Living Victoriously?


By Phil Bell, retired, pastor, University Baptist Church

What is your response when someone asks, “How are you?” I’ve heard all kinds of things from, ”Great!” to “Hang’n in there.” My usual response before my stroke was “wonderful.” Since then I’ve seen no reason to change it!

A good friend of mine always responds to that question with “Blessed” and I know that’s how he considers himself. For us Jesus followers there is no reason to respond any way but positively and victoriously. In John 10 Jesus tells us He came so that we might have life and have itabundantly!

What I consider my life verse is found in Paul’s letter to the church in Rome. Romans 8:37 follows his list of things which could separate us from Christ’s love, but don’t. In verse 37 he writes, “But in all these things we are overwhelming conquerors through Christ who loved us.”

Indeed, though, due to the stroke, I am paralyzed on my entire left side, negating the ability to walk, my victorious life includes the ability to do my own grooming every day, take a shower regularly, and live at home, rather than in a long term care facility, thanks to my angelic wife, Nancy! 

In addition, thanks to my motorized wheelchair and ramp van I can go wherever it’s wise to go and Nancy will take me, including to the grocery store, Walmart, church and to my weekly Rotary meetings, Also I’m cognitively able to write these articles every so often! For me, that’s living an abundant life, victoriously!

After my stroke Satan lied to me, telling me my ministry and enjoyable life had ended, but he lied about both! I enjoy my life now thoroughly.

You may tell me I don’t know what you’re going through or I wouldn’t ask you to live victoriously. Indeed I don’t, but, whatever your situation I know you can be living victoriously, which means living an enjoyable life in which you are positively impacting the lives of others. With God’s help you can absolutely do so! The alternative is barely getting through one day to the next, waiting for death to put you out of your misery. That is no way for anyone to live!

First, I ask, “Do you know God personally?” Next, I ask again, “Are you living victoriously?”

- Phil Bell, retired, pastor, University Baptist Church

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Fall decorations with Kelly



This week I'm going to be lazy and let YouTube do all the work for me.

The two links below are a couple that our gracious volunteer Kelly made for us.

She is going to show you how to make some clever fall decorations.

We make three or four videos a week on various topics and post them on our Facebook page.

Many of this blog's viewers do not have access to that Facebook page because we limit it to stroke survivors, their caregivers, our volunteers, and medical teams. 

As you can see in these videos, we try to present some fun things along with the serious.

In the future I will post videos that deal with stroke as well as the fun ones such as you see here. This way those of you who do not have access to the Facebook page will be able to enjoy some of the things we share with stroke survivors and care givers.    

Fall decorations with Kelly:

More Fall decorations with Kelly: