Thursday, October 24, 2024

Hours after a massive stroke, 39-year-old was talking and moving



Hours after a massive stroke, 
39-year-old was talking and moving

By Diane Daniel, American Heart Association News

Stroke survivor Ashley Lunardini with her dog, Ruby. (Photo courtesy of Ashley Lunardini)
Stroke survivor Ashley Lunardini with her dog, Ruby. (Photo courtesy of Ashley Lunardini)

For a week or so, Ashley Lunardini felt an intermittent pain in her neck. She also had a dull headache that wouldn't go away. She'd had neck pain before, but headaches were rare.

Overall, she was in excellent health. At 39, she went to Pilates class three times a week, walked every day and ate healthy meals.

She went to see her primary care physician. She didn't see anything wrong. Thinking Lunardini's discomfort could be caused by a nerve, the doctor gave her a prescription for pain medicine.

That evening, Lunardini became nauseous and dizzy. She assumed it was a reaction to the medication.

The next morning, a Friday, she felt fine. After a quick trip to the grocery store, she pulled into her driveway. Steering toward the garage, she became so dizzy she had to stop the car. Soon after, she was fine.

A half hour later, the vision in her left eye started to blur. Before long, it cleared up.

"Something is really weird," she told her husband, Tim Barlog.

A pub in their Chicago neighborhood was having a dog-friendly event that evening, and the couple wanted to take Ruby, their dachshund-beagle mix. Lunardini had noted that Ruby had followed her everywhere all week and whined when she was away – things the dog never did. At the pub, she stayed under Lunardini's chair, again out of character.

Back home an hour later, the couple was about to order a pizza when Lunardini suddenly felt a surge of electricity course through her body.

"Something's not right," she told Barlog. "What is wrong with me?"

She started to cry.

"Here, drink some water," he said, handing her a glass.

With a shaking hand, she started to take the glass but didn't know what to do with it. Then she slumped over on the couch.

"Ashley, can you hear me?" Barlog yelled.

She could. But no words came out of her mouth.

Barlog called 911. Paramedics arrived within two minutes.

After being assessed, Lunardini was taken to a Level 1 trauma hospital about 10 minutes away, where she would get the highest level of care.

She could hear the paramedics talk to her in the ambulance, but she couldn't answer. Only later did she learn that the strange snorting sound she'd heard had come from her. She was gasping for air.

Doctors quickly determined that she'd had a massive stroke. It was caused by a clot in her basilar artery. The basilar is the main artery that carries blood to the back portion of the brain.

After they gave her clot-busting medication, Ashley's sister, Kristin Lunardini, joined Barlog in the room with Ashley. By then, she was unresponsive, paralyzed and intubated.

"We won't know what brain damage has occurred until she's out of surgery," the doctor said.

"The stats they gave were not optimistic," Kristin said. "It was terrifying to see her in that state."

She and Barlog sobbed as they sat with Ashley.

A couple of hours later, doctors performed a thrombectomy, a minimally invasive procedure to remove the clot.

A nurse later said to Barlog and Kristin: "You can see her before going home for the night. She's awake and moving."

They were dumbfounded.

"As we got closer to her room, I could hear her voice," Kristin said. "Then I saw her legs move. We were all just sobbing."

Although Ashley had some memory loss and vision issues, her motor skills and speech were intact.

Even doctors were amazed at her recovery. A few physicians who heard about her case stopped by to see for themselves this patient who'd made such a dramatic reversal.

Ashley was in the intensive care unit for eight days while doctors performed diagnostic tests. They also needed to do another procedure.

The clot had developed because she had several dissections, or tears, in the arteries in her neck. Doctors used stents to keep them open and restore blood flow. What caused the dissections? Doctors couldn't find a reason.

Once home, Ashley did a month of physical therapy and five months of occupational therapy. That helped with her memory loss and vision. Ruby stayed by her side, as she had done just before the stroke.

The first three months post-stroke, Ashley felt constant pressure in her brain. She went from taking small steps around the house to going outside to eventually walking around the block. She returned to work part time after six weeks and returned to full time a few months later.

While Ashley's body continued to heal, emotionally she was traumatized.

"The anxiety I felt during recovery, especially the first three months, was paralyzing," she said. "In some ways, I wished I would have blacked out and remembered nothing of my stroke. Maybe that would have been easier."

In May 2023, nine months after her stroke, she was cleared to begin exercising at the gym. She also started driving short distances. However, there were many times when she made plans to get together with family or friends, then backed out.

"I don't always know what triggers her, but I try to stay flexible," said Kristin, who is a social worker and thus brings a deeper understanding of Ashley's challenges. "I think the whole family has more of an awareness that things can change really quickly."

Ashley Lunardini (left) with her sister, Kristin, and dog, Ruby. (Photo courtesy of Ashley Lunardini)
Ashley Lunardini (left) with her sister, Kristin, and dog, Ruby. (Photo courtesy of Ashley Lunardini)

Well over a year after the stroke, Ashley still struggles with leaving her "bubble." One incentive is traveling, something she and Barlog have always enjoyed.

So far, she's only felt comfortable returning to U.S. cities she's visited often. Even then, before each trip, she makes sure the town has a hospital with a Level 1 trauma center. And while Ruby doesn't travel with her, she brings the next best thing: a toy dachshund named Fuby.

For the two-year anniversary of her stroke survival, the couple celebrated with a trip to Scottsdale, Arizona.

By the three-year anniversary, she hopes to have returned to traveling internationally.

"It's still hard to step outside my bubble," she said, "but I also don't want to live in constant fear."

Ashley Lunardini (left) with her husband, Tim Barlog. (Photo courtesy of Ashley Lunardini)
Ashley Lunardini (left) with her husband, Tim Barlog. (Photo courtesy of Ashley Lunardini)

Stories From the Heart chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.

American Heart Association News Stories

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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Caregivers Can Find Work/Life Balance With This Guide




The following article was written by 
Andea Needham
and submitted to us for publication on our blog. 

Caregivers Can Find Work/Life Balance With This Guide

Photo via Pexels

Balancing the demands of caregiving, work, and personal life can be a challenging endeavor. For those who provide care for seniors, the complexities of juggling these responsibilities often require careful planning and self-awareness. You must focus on strategies that allow you to maintain your well-being while fulfilling your commitments both at home and at work. In this article, presented by Stroke Camp, we’ll talk about a few ways you can find balance in all aspects of your life.

Establish Firm Limits

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial in maintaining a balance between caregiving, work, and personal life. When you set defined limits, you create space to focus on each area without unnecessary overlap. It helps to communicate openly with your employer about your caregiving responsibilities and to ensure that your work schedule accommodates these needs. Similarly, setting boundaries at home can help you avoid burnout by allocating specific times for work, caregiving, and personal time, thus promoting a healthier balance.

Master the Art of Saying No

Learning to say no is a vital skill in balancing your various roles. While it’s natural to want to accommodate everyone’s needs, overextending yourself can lead to stress and burnout. By declining additional responsibilities when necessary, you preserve your energy for the most important tasks. This might mean saying no to extra projects at work or delegating some caregiving duties to others. Prioritizing your well-being allows you to perform your roles more effectively, without feeling overwhelmed.

Advance Your Career Through Online Learning

Considering your career progression while caregiving may seem overwhelming, but pursuing an online degree can provide flexibility. If you're looking to expand your career options in fields like nurse education, informatics, administration, or advanced practice, give this a view. The online format allows you to manage your studies alongside your caregiving duties, making it possible to further your career without compromising your current responsibilities. This approach not only enhances your skills but also opens new doors for future opportunities.

Think Ahead with Strategic Planning

Planning for the future is key to managing your responsibilities effectively. Whether focusing on long-term care for your loved one or strategizing your career progression, a clear plan keeps you organized and prepared. Creating a schedule that balances work and caregiving duties, or setting professional goals, can help you stay on track. By anticipating challenges and preparing in advance, you minimize unexpected stress and ensure you can handle your responsibilities with confidence.

Cultivate Supportive Relationships

Maintaining strong relationships with friends and family is key to sustaining your well-being. These connections provide emotional support, which is invaluable when managing the pressures of caregiving and work. Make time to connect with loved ones, even if it’s just a quick phone call or a coffee break. Nurturing these relationships helps you recharge, offering a sense of balance and perspective. Your support network can also provide practical help, further lightening your load and helping you maintain a balanced life.

Acknowledge and Celebrate Progress

Amid the demands of caregiving and work, it’s important to recognize and celebrate small victories. Acknowledging your accomplishments, no matter how minor they seem, boosts morale and motivation. Whether it’s successfully managing a particularly hectic day or achieving a career milestone, taking the time to appreciate your efforts reinforces your ability to balance multiple roles. Celebrating these moments reminds you that your hard work is paying off and provides the encouragement needed to continue balancing your responsibilities.

Finding balance between caregiving, work, and personal life is not without its challenges, but it is certainly achievable. By implementing thoughtful approaches and staying mindful of your own needs, you can manage these responsibilities effectively. Through careful planning and a focus on what truly matters, you can ensure a fulfilling and balanced life.

The team at Stroke Camp aims to help stroke survivors improve their quality of life through thoughtfully-planned weekend retreats and educational resources. Have a question? Reach out today to learn more.

Please let me know once the article is published. If you can share the link that would be great.


Andrea Needham

Monday, August 12, 2024

Empowering Senior Caregivers: Launch Your Own Support Business




The following article was written by 
Andea Needham
and submitted to us for publication on our blog. 

Image via Freepik

Empowering Senior Caregivers: 
Launch Your  Own Support Business
As the aging population grows, so does the demand for dedicated senior caregivers. 
If you want to make a meaningful impact and start a business that addresses the challenges these unsung heroes face, creating a venture tailored to support senior caregivers is a worthy pursuit. 
This Retreat & Refresh Stroke Camp guide will walk you through the essential steps to establish a successful service-focused business that meets the unique needs of senior caregivers.

Pinpointing Caregiver Needs

Pinpoint the specific challenges and needs that senior caregivers face in your community. Are they seeking respite care, educational resources, or support with daily tasks? Understanding these needs will help you tailor your services effectively, ensuring your business becomes a valued resource. Whether it's offering flexible scheduling options or specialized caregiver training, your services should aim to alleviate these caregiver's burdens.

Establish Your Business Blueprint

Create a business plan to boost your success prospects; this plan should encapsulate your vision. Describe your company, outlining what sets you apart in the marketplace. Detail how you'll market and sell your services to target demographics. Explain your business's structure, from management to operational logistics. And include funding details and financial projections to secure investors and guide fiscal decisions.

Understanding the Market Landscape

Conduct thorough research to gauge your area's demand for caregiver support services. Identify key demographics, understand the specific needs of the local caregiver community, and analyze your competitors. This insight will enable you to position your business effectively, ensuring it meets senior caregiver's real and pressing needs while differentiating itself from existing offerings.

Tailoring Service Offerings

Diversify your service offerings to appeal to a wide range of needs within the caregiver community. Consider providing flexible caregiving options such as hourly aid, daily assistance, or full-time live-in care. Tailoring your packages to include varied levels of support can help you cater to the broad spectrum of caregiver situations, making your services more appealing and accessible.

Optimizing Payment Processes

Make sure you have an invoicing process to facilitate prompt and timely payments. Use an invoice generator to select from pre-made templates and customize invoices with text, photos, and your logo. Opt for an invoice generator that offers an invoice template free download, allowing flexibility in how you receive and store your documents.

Choose a system that lets you download your invoices in your preferred format, enhancing accessibility and efficiency. This setup streamlines your billing process and ensures you maintain a professional appearance with every transaction.

Effective Marketing Strategies

Use both online and offline marketing techniques to enhance the visibility of your services. Develop a professional website to serve as the cornerstone of your digital presence.

Maintain an active social media presence to connect with potential clients and engage with the community. Invest in local advertising to reach your target audience effectively. Through these marketing efforts, attract more clients and ensure steady growth for your business.

Building Professional Partnerships

Build strong relationships with healthcare professionals, senior centers, and community organizations to form a supportive network. These connections can significantly increase referrals to your services. Establish yourself as a trusted partner within the senior care community to grow your client base.

Strengthen your business's reputation through active collaboration and community involvement. Engage with key community figures and institutions to enhance your visibility and credibility.

Enhancing Caregiver Support

Offer educational materials, support groups, and workshops tailored to enhance caregiving skills and reduce stress. These resources provide the necessary tools and knowledge to improve care quality. Engage in sessions designed to empower you, boosting your confidence and ability in caregiving.

Participate in workshops focusing on practical, hands-on techniques you can apply daily. Benefit from support groups where you can share experiences and strategies with other caregivers, enhancing your well-being and efficacy.


Starting a business to support senior caregivers is a financially rewarding and profoundly meaningful endeavor. By addressing the specific needs of this community, providing tailored services, and building a solid support network, you can significantly impact the lives of caregivers and those they care for. Step into this role with commitment and creativity, and watch as your business transforms the landscape of senior caregiving. It’s a journey worth embarking on.

Would you like to read more helpful content or learn about our survivor and caregiver services? today!